Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Diamantina Tableland Region (Chapada Diamantina)

The vast Atlantic Forest, flower fields and plateaus of an endless green divide the landscape with stretches of caatinga. Huge rock walls, canyons, grottos, caves, rivers and waterfalls complete the exquisitely beautiful scenery of Chapada Diamantina.

Initially inhabited by the Maracás Indians, the actual occupation occurred during the golden times of mineral prospection, from 1710, when gold was found near Contas River, marking the arrival of the explorers. In 1844, the colonization was boosted by the discovery of valuable diamonds in the surroundings of Mugugê River, and the traders, settlers, Jesuit priests and foreigners that lived in the villages controlled and regulated by the power of wealth.
Lençóis, Rio de Contas, Morro do Chapéu and Andaraí are some of the cities where it’s still possible to travel in time and relive the golden period of the region. The architectonical compound dates from Colonial Brazil and preserves an important part of the national history.
Chapada Diamantina is home to a large diversity of fauna and flora. There are more than 50 kinds of orchids, bromelias and other native flowers and also rare specimens of animals, such as the great anteater, the giant armadillos, wild cats and innumerous kinds of birds and snakes. The Chapada Diamantina National Park, created in the 80’s, is the organ responsible for the protection of all this exuberance.
Chapada Diamantina gathers a variety of natural and cultural attractions in the heart of Bahia; the right choice for those looking for peace and quiet or history and adventure. (bahia website)

Visit The Diamantina website for more information.


Morro do Pai Inácio

 (photos via flick)

LENCÓIS:  Bucolic and cosmopolitan at the same time, Lençóis is a beautiful historic city with great tourist potential. It has the largest infrastructure in the region, airport, numerous choices of lodging, food and travel agencies.(guide)
The town has a well-preserved colonial atmosphere and is the starting point for treks into Chapada Diamantina.


Photo flickr by Hotel Cantos das Águas

Cachoeira da Fumaça

Cachoeira da Fumaça. Photo via flickr

Fazenda Pratinha

Poço Azul

Credit: blog um pouquinhodecadalugar

Cave Lapa Doce. Credit blog um pouquinhodecadalugar

Byzantine cemetery in Mucungê.
At the foot of a huge cliff at the edge of the road BA-142, a sequence of white tombstones, that mimic small Gothic churches, so the amazing cemetery Mucuge. The buildings are from the early 19th century, when outbreaks of cholera and smallpox reached the place. With epidemics, a distant city location was necessary to bury the dead - the Byzantine influence came from diamond buyers of Turkish origin who lived here. At night, spotlights the cemetery in blue color. (search abril/veja)

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Any search you do on the topic you will find basically this:

1) Happiness is a priority .

The happiest country even fighting countless social inequalities and constant changes in the political and economic circumstances. Would be easy to imagine the carnival as the most important for the Brazilian festivities, but this perception would be wrong, as the " Brazilians transform all occasions, the feast of St. John, the New Year etc in the greatest demonstrations of joy, unity and artistic expression ". Celebrating is a way of living.

There is a special attraction that you only discover when get here: the Brazilian people. Quite apart from the
landscapes, the lifestyle of our people surprise you with its simplicity, willingness, hope, hospitality and joy. Studies by Embratur indicate that 75% of tourists who seek Brazil as their vacation destination do so, first, by the natural beauty, but when they arrive here, they find such hospitality that soon also enchant the mixture of colors, races and cultures of 'owners'. According to research, when questioned about Brazil, tourists show joy as one of the main characteristics of our people - whether in our music, in the heat of the beaches..

2) Brazilians always give "a way" .

This message of resilience and resourcefulness is the core concept of the 'Brazilian way' , a kind of alternative route or shortcut to getting what you want .

3) Brazilians drink natural juices.

Brazilians consume fresh fruit juices for decades . The raw juice bars are not just for diets in Brazil , says they are for everyone.

4) Brazilians are surrounded by architectural beauties.

Even the natural beauties of the country did not prevent the Brazilian having created a rich tradition in world architecture, popularized by the works of the architect Oscar Niemeyer.

5) Diversity is a way of living .

Indians, Nigerians , Portugueses, Italians, Germans, Japanese and Korean. Brazil is a true mosaic of cultures, but that does not mean we do not respect the different races, cultures and traditions .

6) Coffee all day long.

If you ever lived or worked in Brazil , know that time can be measured in small express cups that are consumed by businessmen and students . In total , Brazilians drink an average of 5.8 kg of coffee per person per year, which helps improve heart health , prevent diabetes , some cancers and even ward off depression .

7) Brazilians work to reduce inequality social.

The gulf between rich and poor is beginning to decline in Brazil . Social inequality falls at a rate of 2.2% per year and the poverty rate falls 7.9 % per year , according to the center of social policies USP informed on the subject report.

8) Brazil produces and hear musics.

A diversity of Brazilian music is also mentioned: the samba, pagode , axé , choro , forró , MPB , rap and funk . And this can only be a good thing : making and listening to music improves cognition , relieves stress and enhances immune function.

9) Brazilian families are still united.

There is a strong sense of family unity . Family ties and intimate relationships with friends throughout life is one of the highest indicators of longevity and happiness in life.

And More...

The big cities of Brazil have a large number of tall buildings and very busy streets. The traffic is very heavy and traffic jams are a constant. 

The vast majority of city dwellers work in banks, factories, hotels, offices, buildings and shops. In addition, many are dedicated to business, they are state officials or professionals from other activities. Most middle-class citizens live in modern apartments.

Most people who live in rural areas in Brazil live on farms or large farms. Many others have small farms. Most Brazilians who live in rural areas earn just enough to keep their families and most the times they have to struggle to survive, especially in the interior of North and Northeast.

EDUCATION: In Brazil, the goal of many high school students is so disputed win a place at a public university. Public institutions are the most renowned in Brazil,  like the University of São Paulo (USP) and State University of Campinas (Unicamp). Furthermore, the teaching in these institutions is funded by the state, by the Brazilian government, and the student does not need to pay for their studies. They only have to pay if, of course, they choose a private university. Comparing these characteristics of the Brazilian higher education system with the United States, there are two major differences:

1) The most prestigious and internationally renowned American universities are private. You've heard of several of them: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Duke, and many others.

2) public universities in the United States are paid. 

Most American public universities are state-founded and administered by state agencies. Besides being paid, charge higher values ​​of students from other states, or, in English, out-of-state students. This is because following the precept that students of the same state as the university - or, indeed, students' parents - contribute to the benefit of the institution to pay the taxes, while the out-of-state students contribute their own state . 

It is because of institutions, both public and private, are paid, that American families open savings from early to save money for the education of their children.

Brazil has many faces, different tastes and profiles. Worth seeing this video and have an example of what our country has to offer. After all, here all styles live together, complement each other..

Friday, March 14, 2014


At the far south of Bahia, the Whale Coast is a real untouched paradise. An endless blue sea, with crystal clear water, home to the biggest and most diversified compound of coral reefs of the South Atlantic – a total of 17 specimens at the National Marine Park of Abrolhos – shelter a vast fauna and flora, volcanic islands, mangroves and tide channels; it’s a landscape of astonishing beauty that enchants and fascinates.

The tropical climate and the sun, which reigns all year round, are an irresistible invitation for nature lovers. Seafood and the spice of dendê oil are the trademarks of the local cuisine. Among rivers, waterfalls, beaches, mangroves and coconut groves, diving in the warm and calm water is a must; humpback whales regularly visit this coast, regardless of the curious eyes of the visitors.
At the villages and settlements, the local communities preserve their traditional culture. Kingdom of tranquility surrounded by nature, the Whale Coast is the right choice for those looking for relaxing by the sea, enjoying the best of life and the mesmerizing sceneries of the region. Search: bahia official site
Lighthouse of Abrolhos. Photo flickr by pousadaguaratiba
Coral reefs... Photo pousadaguaratiba
Photo flickr by Gilson Cesar

The Abrolhos archipelago is an ecotourism attraction for diving and humpback whales watching. Whales are frequent between July and November when they are taking refuge from the Antarctic winter and some of which weigh up to 40 tons. This region contains one of the largest concentrations of fish, in terms of volume and variety, per square meter on the planet. You can see all kinds of rare fish, sea turtles and birds. The Whale Coast comprises the towns of Prado, Alcobaça, Caravelas, Nova Viçosa and Mucuri and its main attraction is the Abrolhos Marine National Park.

The Abrolhos Marine National Park, is one of Brazil's top diving destinations, it offers the area's best humpback whale sightings and the park consists of an archipelago of five islands lying 52km offshore.

In Prado, one of the top attractions is canoeing in the mangroves surrounding the Rio Jucuruçu River. Caravelas has beautiful pristine beaches, great for trekking; in Nova Viçosa, Barra Velha Island has trails winding through preserved vegetation.

Alcobaça has ocean pools off Praia da Barra and diving in the Areias and Timbebas reefs. Mucuri is one of the ends of the Discovery Route, a 155-mile cycling route with its other end in Arraial d'Ajuda. The route includes Itaquena, Trancoso, Caraiva, Corumbau, Cumuruxatiba, Prado, Alcobaça, Caravelas and Nova Viçosa.
Caravelas, Bahia. Photo flickr by Márcia Valle

Prado, Bahia. Photo flickr by Leonisio

Corumbau, Prado, Bahia. Photo flickr by Alison McGowan

Prado, Bahia. Photo Flickr by Diego Caliman

Thursday, March 6, 2014


In the beginning I said that Bahia State is divided in 7 different regions then I posted 4 of them already. Today I'm showing The Discovery Coast.
Historic village. Photo flickr by Edmilson Nogueira

Considered the starting point of the Brazilian history and culture, the Discovery Coast was declared World Natural Heritage by UNESCO, in 1999. Surrounded by several natural attractions – such as beaches, bays, inlets, cliffs, coral reefs, mangroves and navigable rivers – the region has favorable conditions for adventure tourism and ecotourism. Many paradisiacal beaches enchant the visitors. In Porto Seguro, the most sought after ones are Tacimirim, Taperapuã and Mundaí; in Cabrália, Coroa Vermelha, Mutary and Arakakaí stand out; Trancoso has the beaches of Nativos dos Coqueiros and Nudism with good options for swimming; in Arraial D’Ajuda, the beaches of Degaldo, Mucugê and Parracho attract lots of tourists; those who visit Caraíva must visit Espelho beach, which, located in the middle of a cliff, is among the ten best ones in Brazil; at the Discovery Coast you can also find the beaches of Santo André, das Tartarugas (turtles) and Santo Antonio. The region’s nature wonders are well known by visitors, especially those who enjoy extreme sports that for now seem to have a closer contact with such attractions. During ultralight flights it’s possible to admire all the beauty of the region, from a different angle. The Discovery Coast has ideal spots for diving, windsurf, surf, kite surf, trekking, horse rides, among others. It’s worth remembering that the fun doesn’t end here. The region has a much differentiated nightlife. Contrary to what happens in most littoral areas, where the day activities are more attractive than the night ones, at the Discovery Coast night leisure is also a must. It’s difficult to decide whether to enjoy the day or the night. Generally, visitors end up enjoying both, showing that sleeping is not the priority. The hours are so atypical that in many of the region’s cities, shops are open until late, selling clothes, crafts, etc. The events promoted by show houses, beach kiosks and night clubs, which always end at dawn, guarantee the fun throughout the night. The fun never ends. For more than 500 years this region has been visited by various explorers seeking for the most unusual products. Nowadays, the explorers are better known as"tourists", that look for high doses of adrenaline and lots of history, in a scenery composed by sun, sea and tranquility.(Bahia official site)
Porto Seguro:  The town is famous for being the first area where Portuguese settled in Brazil.
Photo flickr by carolalulu
Photo flickr by visiteportoseguro
Photo flickr by visiteportoseguro
Photo flickr by praiamarturismomontesclaros
With it's "Catwalk of Alcohol", where tourists can have a fun time drinking, eating local food and shopping, and the Taperapua beach, good place to dance the Axe Music and burn your calories, Porto Seguro is not just a place to party, but also to get in touch with pure and rich Brazilian culture.
"Catwalk of Alcohol" still empty. Photo flickr by Allessandro Canella
"Catwalk of Alcohol", in Porto Seguro. Photo flickr by Tatiana Forti

Photo flickr by turismobahia
Taperapuã Beach. Photo flickr by liliana vera cruz

Visit the Memorial Epic of Discovery where a tour take you to the replica of ship of Pedro Alvares Cabral. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Replica ship of Pedro Alvares Cabral, in the Memorial of the Epic of Discovery. Photo flickr by turismobahia
The boardwalk that leads to the Cruz Vermelha (Red Crown) Beach is home to the Handicraft Market, with parts produced by Indians Pataxós. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Lighthouse of Porto Seguro, in Old Town. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Historic Old town Santa Cruz Cabralia. Photo flickr by Garcia Neto
Little church in historic site of Arraial D'Ajuda. Photo flickr by Cleisonbh
Santa Cruz de Cabrália. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Homes preserve charming facades in Old Town. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Landmark. Cross where supposed was done the first Mass in Brazil. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Landmark of Discovery. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Landmark of Discovery - Brought to Brazil by the Portuguese to demarcate the lands conquered. Foto flickr by JulianaGold
Memorial of the Epic of Discovery, in the Cruzeiro Beach. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Museum of Porto Seguro, in Old Town. Photo flickr by turismobahia

Indian Handicraft. Foto flickr by Nelson NM
Indian Handicraft. Foto flickr by Nelson NM
Indian culture in Santa Cruz Cabrália. Foto flickr by xreservas
Native children hawkers of handicrafts, Indian dressed in the Historic Center of Porto Seguro. Foto flickr by Fabiomelo
Handicrafts sold in crafts fair, where you can also find typical articles of indigenous culture, as headdresses and costumes, in Coroa Vermelha/Santa Cruz de Cabrália. Photo flickr by turismobahia
Photo flickr by praiamarturismomontesclaros
Pataxó Indian
Indian at the beach in Coroa Vermelha. Photo flickr by Luciano
Espelho Beach. Photo flickr by turismobahia